We live in quite a fast pace world with things changing every second. There is an extremely high expectation when it comes to results. For instance, we expect the least delivery time for things such as food or say getting a raise in a job within 1-2 years and many more such cases. With the advent of a lot of different technologies, research and exposure there is a huge change in time gap. Few years back a things such as travelling greater distances would take days and months together, can now be easily achieved in a matter of few hours. The whole scenario has changed drastically.
When it comes to our health though, I am still a strong believer of a gradual change. Natural processes follow a certain route and time. A fruit on a tree will ripen after going through various stages. We can definitely hasten the process of ripening but it still needs quite a lot of time and patience. The fruit will be different in each stage as it goes through them. Our health too needs to go through various stages as it accommodates various variables such as age, exercising habits, eating habits, nutritional profile, etc.
In order to lead a healthy life, to strike the right balance is the key. I truly believe that any change related to health, such as diet plan, exercise, meals, etc. should be gradual and never drastic. Our body takes a certain amount of time to adapt to different changes. It needs the required time to assess, heal and bring the body to a stable state. Drastic and sudden changes to our health result in short term changes. Whereas gradual changes lead to progressive changes and long term efforts lead to long term results. I strongly suggest always that for sustainable outcomes, it is advisable to put in continued and disciplined efforts. It is about developing the habits and lifestyle which help you stay healthy.
Let change be progressive, not aggressive and enjoy the process of it!